
Gong Xi Fa Chai and Happy Valentine Day

Kirimkan bunga kepada orang orang yang ada cintai dihari istimewa nanti kepada kami.
Kami akan merangkai dengan kreasi terbaru dan dengan harga yang wajar.
Pesan dari sekarang dan kami akan mengantarkannya pada tanggal yang sesuai dengan permintaan anda.


Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1433 H

Lebaran kian semaki dekat dan kami sudah mempersiapkan koleksi terbaru untuk rangkaian bunga dan buah yang cocok untuk hadiah dihari yang mulia ini untuk dipersembahkan kepada orang orang yang anda kasihi

Untuk pemesanan silahkan hubungi:
Ibu Elvi Zahara
Telp : 061-4158271
Hp : 08126005417
E-mail :

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Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 H sudah diambang pintu. Sudahkah anda rencanakan mengirim bunga kepada keluarga, handaitolan atau orang yang dikasihi di Medan?
Segera pesan dari sekarang dan kami akan mengantarkannya ketempat yang dituju.

Pesanan dapat melalui:
1. e-mail :
2.SMS : +628126005417 ( Ibu Elvi Zahara)
3.Phone : +6261 8365222, 4158271 ( Ibu Yanie, Ibu Elvi Zahara)

PEMBAYARAN/ payment:
  1. BANK MANDIRI No.REK : 106 000767524-5 : Elvi Zahara
  2. BANK BCA No. Rek : 8205047693 : Tengku Adrian

Free Style

Basic Arrangement

Composed by:


Ungkapkan kasih sayangmu pada orang yang kamu cintai dengan bunga.
Dihari Valentine ini saatnya kamu memberikan sesuatu yang indah untuk dikenang oleh si dia yang kamu kasihi.

Dapatkan rangkaian yang indah dihari Valentine ini pada kami.


- EMAIL KE/e-mail to :
- VIA TELEPON/by phone : 061- 8365222 (Ibu Elvi Zahara)
- HP : 0812 6005417 (IBU ELVI ZAHARA)

PEMBAYARAN/ payment:
  1. BANK MANDIRI No.REK : 105 000776842-1 : T.Syahriyani
  2. BANK BCA No. Rek : 8205047693 : Tengku Adrian

PENDAFTARAN SISWA/ register for course :
- DATANG LANGSUNG KE TEMPAT KURSUS/walk in to the course.
- ALAMAT/Address : JL.SEI SERAYU NO.49 TELP: 061-4158271
- HP: 0812-6005417

Eight Basic Flower Arranging Designs

If you are used to working with fresh flowers, it will take some time to get used to all the possibilities and limitations when using silks. Though so similar in use, artificial flowers are an entirely different art form. The line, focal, filler technique is an excellent way to design artificial and dried flower arrangements.

1.Horizontal Arrangements
1. Using a relatively shallow container, anchor foam with a lot of glue or use anchor pins, and position sprays of line flowers to establish the shape of the design.
2. Insert focal flowers in the middle so they gently droop over the lip of the container on both sides, reach towards the line material and extend on either side of the middle. Leave room for filler flowers.
3. Fill in and around focal area with filler flowers and foliage.

2.Vertical Arrangements
1. Wedge or secure foam in a vase with hot glue. Cut the stems of the tallest flowers or leaves to reach three or four times the height of the vase.
2. Place the focal flowers vertically within the diameter of the vase.
3. Fill in the areas as needed with filler flowers.

3.Triangular Arrangements
1. Secure floral foam. Determine the vertical height and horizontal width with the smallest line flowers and/or leaves. Make the height higher than the width.
2. Position the largest focal flowers in the heart of the arrangement and slightly lower to give weight and balance.
3. Fill in with the filler flowers and foliage keeping within the triangular shape.

4.Crescent Arrangements .
1. Secure foam in container. Determine length of crescent and insert curved line flowers or leaves to follow the crescent form. Angle the shape to balance in the container.
2. Insert the focal flowers fairly low in the bowl to achieve balance, stability and depth.
3. Fill in around the focal flowers with smaller flowers and foliage. Place wisps of filler flowers that gracefully taper off the ends.

5.Oval arrangements
1. Secure the floral foam. Determine the height with line flowers, then frame in the outer edges of the oval shape with light colored flowers and foliage.
2. Place the largest, strongest or brightest flowers in the focal area.
3. Fill in around the larger flowers and leaves with the filler flowers.

6.Minimal Arrangements.
1. Adhere foam to container. Insert vertical line flowers to determine the height, and secure the horizontal line flowers to give the basic outline of the arrangement.
2. Place the focal flowers.
3. Fill in with filler flowers as needed.

7.The lazy "S" or "Hogarth's Curve"
1. Anchor the foam securely. Bend the stems gently into graceful curves and insert them in place so they balance.
2. Add the focal flowers following the lines of the upper and lower curves.
3. Cluster filler blossoms and foliage around the central flowers maintaining the rhythm of the ‘S’.

8.Free Standing Arrangements
1. Fill a shallow container with foam that extends one inch over the top. Secure the foam with hot glue, floral clay or floral tape. Define the shape of the design with the line flowers and leaves.
2. Place the focal flowers and leaves, turning the vase as you go so all the sides are even.
3. Add filler flowers to integrate the design.


Yanie Florist memberikan materi kursus yang dapat membuat para siswa menjadi trampil dan mampu berwiraswasta:
Untuk Informasi dan Pendaftaran Silahkan hubungi:
Ibu Hj.Yanie Hamdan : 0813-62042631
Ibu Elvi zahara : 0812-6005417

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  • Eropean Style Arrangments

  • Wedding Package Arrangements

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  • Ikebana

  • Sogetsu

  • Basic Flower Arrangements

  • Flower Arrangement for Business

  • Flower Arrangement for Art

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  • Flower Arrangement for Obituaries